Shows at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament Scottsdale Castle in Phoenix, Arizona

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TripAdvisor user rating {{product.rating}} out of 5 ({{product.reviewCount}}) {{currentInfoWindowData.address1}}, {{currentInfoWindowData.address2}}, {{}}, {{currentInfoWindowData.stateId}} {{}}
Chivalry, knighthood, glory, and courage come to life at the nation’s longest-running and top dinner attraction—Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. Cheer your knight onto victory as you enjoy a feast fit for royalty! Watch as your knight competes in skill, strength, and combat games, all while gracefully riding Andalusian stallions. Will your knight rise victorious? Details
TripAdvisor user rating 4.00 out of 5
104 Reviews
Total Price: $77.06 (USD)