Unravel Savannah's ghostly secrets as you journey through the city's colorful past in this haunted history walking tour of Savannah. This Savannah ghost tour is provided by Truth in Evidence Haunted Tours, known for their paranormal investigations. The tour begins at Colonial Park Cemetery, used as the city's main burial ground from 1750 up until 1853, and takes guests past some of Savannah's key landmarks. It's family-friendly and appropriate for all ages. Details
The Savannah Night Terrors Walking Tour is unlike any other walking tour. In this unique experience, tourists will enjoy a tour where you will have the ability to utilize investigative tools for hunting possible paranormal activity as you stroll around different parts of Savannah which are more than borderline unnerving! Come and explore the unfiltered tales of torture & torment that fill the streets of Savannah with expert guides and an introduction to paranormal investigation, familiarizing you with the equipment provided! This tour is great for paranormal opportunities horror fans will truly enjoy. Details
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